Sunday, July 18, 2010


My last night dreams were odd and filled with people some family and friends and my Ex from last year, i do still think about his progress and how he is doing.

Some of my recent dreams have been all around these issues of family, friends and the Ex, i come to realize a pattern in my subconsciously as i am constantly watching what i do and say so i wont come across gay or break my sobriety.

I was watching a recent video that talked about family virtues and and lack of it in western civilization, it was true, i was brought up in a strict environment where every thing was not allowed, and now in western culture every thing goes and your a sore-thumb if you don't conform.

Hence some cultures in east fear this western civilization and want to eradicate their connection to the west as they don't want their kids become Britney Spears when they grow up.

Search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices.
-Benjamin Franklin

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