Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pill Differences?

i am not a pharmacist or a doctor but i am speaking from my experience, discuss with your doctor about your option if you have tried all your options of self treatment and restraint and has not worked

there is a huge difference between mood depressant than the anxiety and depression pills, they all have side effects of lowering the sex drive with huge differences

Mood depressant will suppress the mood to a blank stage, the person on it feels nothing, i personally didn't want to partake of any thing, and just wanted to sit some where and just watch TV or sleep for the most part, i had no appetite and when i became active and wanted to exercise i would get dizzy and when i forced my self to eat i threw up. i couldn't masturbate while i was on them, as i would never reach there to ejaculate.

anxiety and depression pills on the other hand, make the person happy and vibrant while affecting the sex drive by limp penis or lower sperm count, it also reduces the appetite but i didn't notice much as i ate regularly while on them. this pill worked for me for a while but the up swing of lifting the mood it couldn't stop me from acting out or seeking validation through email or Internet. resulting breaking the routine and not staying with the program.

I feel much better today after a long shower yesterday and rest. i have my appointment tomorrow with therapist to discuss another avenue for taking medication with less side affects as the mood depressant was terrible. i am still yawning from the side effects of the few pills i took and sleepy but i am glad i didn't take it during work hours as i could have been fired.

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