Monday, November 8, 2010

Hardest Decision Of All

I have been meaning to Blog at least once every two days but finding it hard to get around doing that with work load of school, and exams back to back.

I finally finished my applications for Universities, mainly I have selected ones outside of the major metro Politian, as I don’t want to be here with the distractions of both family and quick availability of sexual tension and urges to test my sobriety with.

I am doing well in school marks are well above 70 and 75 and will increase from here, as the rest is mostly assignment based and final exam.

I did something this week that I kind of regret but I think over the course of my recovery I will see the wisdom of its benefits, I asked my ex to sop contacting me, not because I didn’t like it or I hate him for anything, I still like the guy and very dear to me, but when he sent me a text, or a way of reaching me my mind would run a mile a second wondering where and what he is doing, and why am I being contacted, quickly I find myself enraptured with thoughts and feelings that didn’t exact and all was fabricated over a text.

I hope I made a good decision and have not hurt his feeling over this, as that wants my intension, and if I may be selfish but over all I don’t want to hurt him again.

it was a hardest decision I have ever made and I want to stick to it, I know I have said this before and have broken my contact barrier with him and has been destructive both for me and I guess for him as well to think of me and text.

I guess today’s lesson would be to keep track of what is triggering you and what bothers you in your sobriety and avoid it or cut it off, it might be hard but soon you’ll see a new tranquil conscious within yourself that you’ll find ohm and stepping stone towards healthy lifestyle.

"God Grant me Strength"

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