Friday, October 15, 2010

"It Gets Better"

Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns reaches out to GLBT teens with a personal story and a message of hope, The video blog is self explanatory, I like to thank Joel for coming out and making every teenagers life much easier to cope and give them hope as that things will get easier, please stick around, to make those happy memories for yourself" "attitude of society will change" "It Gets Better"

How I want to go back to when I was 13 like in Joel’s speech and know things will get better and happy, but I am still waiting for that day to come.

This video was my “Chicken soup for a gay soul” today it was filled with tragedy and the heroism and victories Joel has had in his life, to create a contrast that life is worth living.

I like to thank Joel again for the video and thank every ones support, I tried calling him to thank him personally but voice mail was full, I think by creating this blog I can share him with the rest of the world.

MrXvX83 user on YouTube recorded a thank you video, where he thanked Joel for saying what he had to say, and remarkably concluded for those leaving negative remarks towards gays that:
"Whoever raised you, they failed you, and they failed you miserably"

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