Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A seed is set, to grow on its set
It grew slowly, slowly maybe
The branches grew out, as the tree grew out
Seasons kept coming & blossomed in spring
Right after the rain couldn't keep it tame
The sun just came out a night just went out
Several years later the tree was still there
Birds on the tree, magical thing to see
Melody of the birds, would fill up the land
Years in years out, one day a storm came out
The wind was hard, the branches came apart
The thunder went by, with its pierced wind
The tree was left, with its branches bended beneath
Soon the spring would, come back, and all back to set
But no sight of spring and a life at sting
The tree waited by, for the spring to come by
Years went by, no spring came by......

Poem by Blogger

I will blog earlier in the week about roots and how our psychology of mind is as basic as roots of the plant. There was once roots that gave room to the plant to grow, and there were once a seed that started it all.

After growing up people tend to lose their ways and get caught up in social enigma’s and dogmas, which makes us wayward and lost. Instead of waiting for a spring to come back in order to start growing, look deep inside the roots, those will never be altered and changed, they only grow stronger in time and sculpt you the person you are today.

Searching in nature for my answers, it makes sense when in therapy they keep mentioning my roots, and my comforting factors. They want me to go back to my roots, to that first sprout that started my being and shaped my scope of life. Of course that little sprout like the tree now it’s a giant roots that is set in its way and you can only examine it of how it was brought up through family and parents upbringing.

these roots are different from person to person, they captures every angle and highlight of our life’s, and help to shapes the human being you are today with characteristics and personalities that makes you unique. We draw power from our roots to get through the rough time and help families bond as their roots are bonded together.

Take care of your roots and never deny your past as it has made you the person you are today, love yourself before loving others, and pray for strength and humility to get through the rough times.

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