Thursday, August 5, 2010

Proposition 8

Its been a crazy week for me, with my family and as much as I can, I take time outs by running or going to my evening study classes and trying to put my mental and physical health first, its been some test full times so far

I want to blog about this story that meant so much to me this week and have followed it dearly, proposition 8 and how good always prevails over the evil.

Doesn’t anyone care anymore in the world? Why are we shoving our ideas and believes down people’s throat without the decency of calling it "Educational".

As many of you know proposition 8 was passed to stop the same sex marriage in state of California. Basically proposing the idea of partnership as boyfriend or girlfriend is recognized, and wife/wife or husband/husband is not recognizable in state of California.

Yesterday the proposition 8 was over turned by the public appointed judge for this Supreme Court case, which was brought forth by two couple from California, the case was filed since proposition 8 violated constitutional rights and charter of freedom.

More than 18,000 couple was married before the proposition banned their marriage and didn’t recognize their union, but today they are all celebrating overturning of the proposition and their reinstatement of their marriage and recognition under the law.

George Takei gay actor in Hollywood, celebrated with his partner after the vote and overturning of the proposition 8, His message to Prop 8 supporters? "Mind your own marriage,”

This is huge deal, as the Supreme Court case ruling, strikes down all other similar laws, in more than 15 other states there were banns against gay marriage and recognition of if you were married in another state.

Shame on those who thought they can revoke other people’s civil rights by supporting proposition 8, and silence them by treating them any less than a human being.

#1. Catholic Organizations – Jesuit raised and educated, this one pains me to no end and causes my blood pressure to blow through the roof. To me, it’s appalling that at a time when Catholic diocese around the U.S. are closing hundreds of urban and inner city schools and churches, this group can ill afford to be spending millions to legislate hatred and bigotry. Facts are that Catholic Organizations represented the second largest group of donors who helped pass Prop 8. Knights of Columbus ( who’s founding principles are charity, unity; fraternity (but not bigotry) gave nearly 2 million to the fight. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and The Saint Andrews Alms fund round out the group of homophobes.

#2. National Organization for Marriage – Maggie Gallagher is the President of this Non-Profit that’s been set up as a national resource for marriage related initiatives happening on the state and local level ( This group gave over 1.5 million to enshrine homophobia in California.

#3. Fieldstead & Co – According to The Daily Beast’s "The Man Behind Proposition 8"Few Americans have heard of Ahmanson—and that’s the way he likes it. He donates cash either out of his own pocket or through his unincorporated Fieldstead & Co. to avoid having to report the names of his grantees to the IRS. His Tourette’s syndrome only adds to his mysterious persona, as his fear of speaking leads him to shun the media. While Ahmanson once resided in a mental institution in Kansas, he now occupies a position among the Christian right’s power pantheon as one of the movement’s most influential donors.” Fieldstead and Co gave nearly 1.5 million.

#4. Elsa Prince – This one’s really charming, Elsa Prince is the widow of Michigan-based Christian backer Edgard Prince who co-founded the Family Research Council, and the mother of Erik Prince, founder of the controversial mercenary firm, Blackwater. I’ve found conflicting numbers on the size of her donation but it sits over a half million and might even be approaching a million.

#5. American Family Association – Donald Wildmon, Chair. (, (AFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes conservative Christian values. Widely known for their efforts advocating censorship of print and electronic media. The group fights against same-sex marriage, and opposes equal-rights and hate-crime legislation that would include sexual orientation and gender identity. They’ve repeatedly tried to criminalize homosexuality through various legislation. Their donation tops the half million dollar mark.

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