Friday, May 21, 2010

Self Control

I saw the comment of a reader about acting out and how terrible they felt, i was in the same case when i broke my Internet barrier, and do pray for your soberiety and every other addict out there still suffering like me and you.

but after reading a article by a therapist about addiction and to create a safe environment to live in that is both relaxing and calming and Free of all guilt and effort to stay sober, is recommended versus an environment where the addiction substance is available and your both triggered or stressed to act out.

it can both apply to drug and sex addiction, i choose this picture as speaks volume, the person is in a straight jacket but painting his cushion walls, while there is no cushioning there.
by tricking yoru self that your treating your addiction your both lying to your self and setting your self up for a big dissapointment and hurt.
target your addcition from the root and eliminate your trigger points.

i am slowly pulling a way from wanted ads and viewing them, i am still distrought about replying to some ads earlier in the week, but i have kept my main bottom line of not having sexual contact with any one for 4 months and 3.5 weeks

i keep meditating at night over my thoughs and my addiction and bring my actions to account before i go to bed and what i could have done diffrent as a lesson learned before i go to bed.

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