Sunday, May 30, 2010


Cold steel as it’s punched
Hot welding as it’s done

Shiny and cold, then rusty and warm
All in time, all in its tone

Comes together a piece is born
One day they are both torn apart

Means the world to artist each piece
Just weight is more to holder of piece

As the piece coming together building its mass
Couldn’t help it the last piece called Mass.

Poem: by blogger

I'M welding again; this image was the last piece I made, close to 6 months ago right before my exhibition. I love the feeling of something coming out of nothing, as I use scrap metal and just a welding gun to put together the pieces.

over all I had a good weekend, I went running a 10km on Friday and as welding all Saturday, then I went to a bachelor party, which wasn't bad as I had thought, they kept things PG and no stripper or dirty dancing after.

As we all were watching the NHL game 1 for the cup, and switching to NBA game, there was sports news of Tiger Wood, and people just jumped at his throat, saying things like

- Sex addict that’s a good excuse
- How can you call it sex addiction when you pay for it?
- Or things that bothered me

and I went for the loudest one in the group, he studies social science and knows of some psychology, I asked so you know of alcoholism, he replied: "yes" I said so what’s the difference, it is because something tangible and you understand the substance there for your quick to say yes that person is alcoholic, so in same case there are many types of addiction narcotics and coke, to basics that you know alcoholism, and to abstract as food addiction or even love and sex addiction.
Then he said yea it understands, and I said you can’t say that it doesn't exist because its drug of choice to some people and might not be the same thing for you.

so with that being said, what is your Drug of choice in your addiction?
please comment below or use the poll in the top right .

1 comment:

  1. Nouns, I seem to have a particular weakness towards the more abstract. I think is the illusive details that I find so compelling.
