Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Welcome to my world, there is room as I’m told
I hope its better news, next time I meet with you soon

Where to go in this world, as I see you, and you’re sold
Come here I got shoulder for other to cry on

you message me but never call me, your so sweet
But where to go, as I’m terribly missing you

Poem by: blogger

My grandma is not getting better as we prayed and trusted the doctors, she gets one day better but next day she gets worse, and the doctor keep moving to stronger medicine every couple of days to beat the infection from gaining ground. She doesn’t eat any more and when I visited her recently she stood up to go to bathroom and her arm was weak and very skinny.

We had visitors this weekend from out of town to see her, mostly grand children and some great grand children that saw her through the double glass windows as she waved at them and was happy to see them by her side.

Her other children want to come and visit their mother too, one of my aunt specially, and we are at midst of sponsoring them to come here and be able to see her before she passes, or perhaps get her spirit stronger to beat the infection if possible and chance that miracles do exist.

I have had no sexual desire lately to act out, and have been sober for 7 months and one week, for the most part it has been really depressed with the current situation affecting my family me and my other close relatives and family friends. Everyone is upset and there is a very dark shadow on every one, specially my dad.

I have broken contact barrier couple of times in the last couple of weeks, and have called Mass because he asked me to call him, I have kept the conversations clean and detached by not seeking his comfort or emotions, and still I was supportive of his carrier and cared for his lifestyle, which I caught myself doing.

I am lost in between all this mayhem, and chaos, and feel that after the storm i might find my self in a whole new place that will crush me. I keep tracking my activity and keeping my self chaised from all bad thoughts and actions to keep my self on my soberiety.

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