Monday, October 25, 2010

Tools that Help Recovery In SLAA

Tools that Help Recovery

Meetings - where we share our experience, strength and hope with each other to better understand our common problem and work together towards the solution.

Telephone - our meeting between meetings. By making contact with others, we begin to break out of the isolation that is so strong an element of the disease.

Sponsorship - two people with the same problem helping each other to work the program. It can provide a framework for a recovery plan and for doing the Twelve Steps, and bring emotional support at difficult times.

Literature - SLAA uses Conference-approved literature, plus our own books and pamphlets.

Twelve Steps - a guiding program of Recovery based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Prayer and Meditation - a means of establishing conscious contact with a Power greater than ourselves, for spiritual healing.

Recovery Plan - a pre-determined way of expressing our sexuality consistent with our values, so that even when confused, we have a written guideline to help us.

Withdrawal - (partial or total). We get support in SLAA by abstaining from behavior, people, places or things that we consider harmful. Without abstinence, recovery is impossible.

Relationships - a way of changing the instant gratification habit and of getting to know more about ourselves and another person before committing ourselves to any sexual decisions. We let go of self-serving power and prestige as driving motives.

Slogans - simple statements that can be used in crisis situations to give some basic guidelines.

Service - a way of helping ourselves by helping others.

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